Many nation states find innovative ways of enforcing security in their stockades and jails. We've got that crazy sheriff in Arizona who enables the prisoner's fashion sense by outfitting them with pink jumpsuit couture and then there's Gitmo.
Honestly, in the U.S. jails have become an effective method of obtaining 3 squares and a warm bed (albeit sometimes with somebody else in it) and quite honestly provide little in the way of taxpayer payback.
I say enough! Let's look abroad for inspiration. Let's see...the Taliban's a little extreme, Brazil...that whole waxing thing is over the top...ummmm...
Aha! The Philippines have solved this problem. It seems they have made an investment that truly demonstrates ROI in the security space. It allows for both freedom of expression and entertainment whilst repaying the monarchy in a tribute to the King Of Pop.
Ladies and germs, I present you the ensemble cast of inmates from the the Cebu Provincial Detention and Rehabilitation Center, Cebu, Philippines. Hey, you slackers at Pelican Bay, nut up!
This truly is the "Thriller in Manilla!"
Blue Man Group is teh pwned!