Just to be clear, I don't set out to "win" everything I post about. It may come off that way, but I write from a stream of consciousness; my blog is usually my own little jot pad for working through thought patterns that could often times could use a little pinging from others on the subject.
My blog has seen the evolution of some of my thinking; it's produced profound realizations and even reversals in my own opinions and thoughts. I think that's cool.
In the case of the last series of posts which started here regarding the Jericho Forum, however, I wanted to start a dialog. I knew it was going to be a slog, because people always get riled up on the subject of the Jericho Forum's vision.
I wanted to take this contentious subject and drag it into the light some more, especially here in the U.S. where the concepts are met with a litany of protest -- usually due not to the content, but rather the context around which they are framed and by whom.
At any rate, I banged out my posts over the last couple of days and regardless of the fact that almost nobody can see the forest for the trees, here's what we ended up with; I'd suggest reading the last two as the others are rather like a blog version of demolition derby that don't actually rationalize much on the subject at all:
Mogull - Jericho Needs Assistance Restating the Obvious
Stiennon - De-perimeterization is Dead
Newby - The Horns of Jericho
Hutton - Jericho In Pictures
LonerVamp - Jericho 1-4: de-perimeterization and the jericho forum commandments
...and only because I love, I'm going to highlight the last line of what otherwise would be a very interesting exploration of LV's Jericho ponderings:
So what we have so far is very heart-warming, feel-good idealistic goals for a global infrastructure (extrastructure?) utilizing perfect or near perfect protocols and devices that can withstand anything. Sorry, but what the fuck...?
Wow. I have no response to that. On second thought, I do, but I'm not sure I can say it again without screaming. See here for a clue.
If there's anyone else I missed, send me a ping so I can add you.