Besides the monthly BeanSec! gatherings, New England really needs a security conference to call its own. Now we have one.
You can find a ton of detail about the show here, but if you're impatient because you're pahking the cah in the yahd and can't get to your browsa, here's the skinny:
The security convention is called SOURCE: Boston 2008, and it's held from March 12-14th, the W-F before St. Patrick's Day weekend. The place it's being held is the Hyatt Regency Cambridge, right on MIT's campus.
It's the big step-shaped hotel with the neon framing right on the water. We have negotiated low room rates and are sporting quite a line-up of speakers and keynotes, including keynotes from Dan Geer of MIT Athena/Kerberos fame, Richard Clarke, and Steven Levy.
We will also have a panel with the members of the L0pht - speaking together for the first time in 10 years. We have some great evening activities such as a VIP reception and a Thirsty Thursday Pub Crawl.
The three tracks are application security, business and security, and new security technologies. It's a professional conference and we're having several CEOs speak, as well as other chief officers. However, it's combining that professionalism and business component with the edginess and fun of some of the hacker conferences.
Rich Mogull and I are appearing on stage together as Click and Clack (or is it Wallace & Grommet?) That ought to be worth the price of admission right there.
See you there.