I'm in New York presenting as faculty at the IANS NY Metro Security Forum.
Marcus Ranum and I spent today presenting the "Network Potluck" track on Log Consolidation/Analysis/Correlation, Next-Generation Network Security and Endpoint/Mobility Security.
Further, I gave a couple of presentations on virtualization security.
For those of you unfamiliar with the Institute (IANS,) you should check it out. What an absolutely incredible gathering of faculty and partners from such a stacked and diverse set of verticals. The agenda and format is really unique and it's unlike any other forum I've attended:
The Forum is a highly interactive experience. Modeled on the Harvard Business School teaching method, it emphasizes expert-led, real-world discussions that draw on the experience and expertise of participants to drive insights to new levels.
This is not a person yapping at you from behind a PowerPoint, it's a moderated dialog between real practitioner's from some of the most forward-thinking companies on the planet offering you real advice (and seeking it) regarding what works and doesn't.
Tomorrow is "solutions provider" day where we put the vendors through their paces and the opportunity for real face-to-face "no bull" sessions between vendors and customers -- moderated by faculty members -- begins.
Look forward to seeing you at an IANS event!