The sequel to the "Four Horsemen of the Virtualization Security Apocalypse," is my next presentation entitled "The Frogs Who Desired A King: A Virtualization Security Fable Set To Interpretive Dance."
It goes something like this:
Aesop wrote a little ditty about some discontented frogs who lived in a pond. They asked Jupiter for a King. They got one. They didn't like it. They got a replacement. It ate them. The moral of this story is "be careful what you wish for."
The corresponding analog is that of the future state of security in a virtualized world. It's coming, but it's not going to look much like what security looks like today and it's certainly not what people are expecting. In fact,it may consume us all because we're actually unprepared for what we're asking for.
You'll laugh, you'll cry. You'll want to know what I used to make my slides... ;)
Coming soon to a disturbed audience near you (seriously.)