BOSTON MA, March 3 /PRNewswire/ - Rational Security
BlogoDomination Corp. (RSBC) announced its intention
today to continue the expansion of its consolidation
strategy in the overly saturated Security Blog Market
with the unsolicited hostile takeover bid and acquisition
of Alan Shimel's "StillSecure After All These Years
(SSAATY)" Blog.
Christofer Hoff, CEO and Dark Overlord of the Security
Blogsolidation Dominion, today announced that upon
release of SSAATY's recent earnings report showing a
marked uptake in revenues with income hovering at over
$18 per month, that RSBC would offer an unheard of 20X
revenue multiplier in a stock-for-stock exchange and
an "I (heart) NAC" bumper sticker.
Alan Shimel, SSAATY's CEO/CTO/CMO/CIO/CFO/CSO refused
comment other than to crisply and vehemently reject
Hoff's bid citing unacceptable terms; balking at only a
20X multiplier, he pointed to Ken Xie's $4B sale of
NetScreen to Juniper and suggested that Hoff "...get real if he expects this bulls**t
takeover attempt to warrant any sort of attention other than a trackback and lower
Technorati rating."
Art Coviello, CEO of RSA, complemented his prognostications from his recent 2007 RSA
Security Conference keynote wherein he stated that there would there not be any
independent security companies in 3 years, and Hoff's RSBC would "...subsume all
security blogs within the same timeframe." Mike Rothman was quoted as "...not giving
a crap because neither of them purchased a copy of the P-CSO."
Hoff's response was just as shrill, "If Shimel doesn't pony up like the little bitch
that he is, I'll buy his lap dog Mitchell's blog instead."
Christofer Hoff Alan Shimel
CEO and Dark Overlord of the Security CEO/CTO/CMO/CIO/CFO/CSO
Blogsolidation Dominion StillSecure After All These Years
[email protected] [email protected]
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